Sunday, March 19, 2006

A for Awesome and/or Amazing

yeah so i saw V For Vendetta last night w/ the crew.. kickass.. very kickass..

although i will say that natalie portman could have stuffed some... i dont know.. toilet paper in her shirt because her non-bra-worthy-party-hat-type tatties were definatly destracting me... waaaay too small and perkie *ping!*... so that wasnt working for me at all..

other than miss partyhat it was a completly asskicking movie. highly reccomended and probably the best comicbook adaptation i have seen yet (although Sin City is a damn close runners up)


Blogger Disappointed Idealist said...

A is for amazing, astounding, awesome, astonishing, anomalous and the list goes on.

I agree, highly reccommend the movie for those who want to ask more questions...

2:17 PM  
Blogger The Surgeon said...

astounding.. thats a good one... i forgot about that word. thanks

11:56 AM  
Blogger Mr. Daddy Lee said...

A is for Another blog space wated. Just kiddin.

10:11 AM  

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