Friday, April 14, 2006

Hoping to Cut the Shit from the World

A rant/study on the subject of overpopulation by The Surgeon

Mankind: The Viral Infection of the Earth
Despite what some might think, the term overpopulation does not refer to only excessive population in an area to the point of overcrowding, but it mainly refers to a depletion of natural resources. It will still be quite a while before humans multiply to the point that we will run out of space. The day that we will no longer be able to find resources needed to live off of is quickly coming upon us. The human race adapts quite differently in respects to other mammals. Instead of maintaining an equilibrium between population and resources, humans move to an area and multiply until all resources are consumed, much like a virus. The only way people have found to solve this problem is to spread to another area until that area becomes overpopulated and depleted of resources. The cycle continues until all available areas will be overpopulated, resulting in global overpopulation. This has not quite happened yet, but it will happen. Overpopulation might not be a problem for any generations of today, but if anything is to be done, I offer these words…

Every second, five humans are born, within this second, three people die. Thus, the population of the world grows by two every second. It is projected that the world population will build to about 12 billion people by 2050 and then stabilize itself, which is definitely possible. However, something should be done before the approximate six billion that inhabit the world right now doubles. People are always consuming more and more resources, unless others do something about it. At the rate that people are multiplying, the rate of consumption also multiplies. Solutions could be seemingly very simple, such as adopting the one child per family law that China uses, or very simply, getting rid of almost every person and start over. Many solutions have been proposed but not all should be seriously considered.

There are people now who realize that overpopulation is imminent and have vowed to have only one, or no children, but this is only voluntary, a personal choice. Those few who follow this view only make a small difference, whereas if it was enforced by law that every woman should only bear one child during her lifetime. This would surely slow the multiplication of the human race.

Ultimately, the only way to cure the virus of the human race is to wipe it out completely, but if it is necessary for the specie to continue to live, there are a few solutions that should be considered before everything gets out of hand. The answer does not lie within space travel or purely synthetic food and water, but changing how humans take care of each other can prevent overpopulation.

First, weddings, funerals, and celebrations in general, will be banned. They are expensive wastes of time. Weddings will no longer have any spiritual background, or even as much as a celebratory occasion as we perceive it to be now. Weddings will only be a meeting where a couple will sign papers.

Second, nursing homes and similar establishments should be outlawed. Humans are essentially animals, and like any other species, they allow their old, sick, and weak to fall away from the rest of the pack and fend for themselves until death. Although humans are at the top of nearly every food chain and have virtually no natural predators, that does not mean they should give extra care to those who are hopeless in regards to benefiting the rest of the race. The sick and elderly should not be cared for to the extent that many people do now. None of the people cared for in nursing homes are “pulling their weight,” so to speak. They are not working. They are not profitable to the economy in any way, and the only thing anyone does for them is pump money into them. Humans have developed entire buildings dedicated to the care of the dying. The workers who run these buildings are only paid to care for those who are no longer able to do anything for anyone else. The sick and elderly are only empty batteries that have (hopefully) done their job and should be let go. For their entire lives, people work to make money for someone else and get paid enough to survive to the next day of work. Ceasing the care of these wastes would allow the labor to transfer to a much more profitable cause. Also, cutting off the care of the elderly and very ill will save money from the use of the medicine and the further research of medicine for certain illnesses.

All the money poured into research for diseases should be given to research for something else more beneficial, such as a way to convert salt water to fresh water or things of the like. The time, people, and money that are used for research on, for example, a cure for cancer, is a waste. This sort of proposition falls into the sick and elderly group, since for many fatal diseases and illnesses, if there is a cure with the technology we have now it does not cure the patient immediately. By the time someone with—for instance—cancer, overcomes (if at all) the sickness, he/she is too old to do anything and put into a nursing home.

Third, every deceased animal, including humans, will be used, not buried and thus wasted. The dead will be made into food if not diseased or hazardous in any way. This will free up spaces plotted for the burial of humans. Humans could also be incinerated, for the purpose of disposal, and so that energy could be harvested. As stated earlier, at our current rate of growth, three people die every second. Like coal the burning of humans would be a superb way of harnessing energy to be used for the masses. Also, since humans are comprised of approximately 65% water, of these three dead humans per second, the water could be harvested for drinking water.

Fourth, if it is found that a baby is born with a fatal illness, defect or disabilities that cannot be overcome in a timely manner, that infant should not be allowed to live. Again, as animals the sick and weak would be left to fend for themselves. No nurturing should be allowed for anyone who might not be able fill a quota for the benefit of mankind. Also, a low intelligence quotient might be considered a disability and that human would not be allowed to live if he/she would not be able to benefit to society in some substantial way.

As humans, if these things are not done now, once Earth does become overpopulated, it will naturally regulate itself, and it will all become inevitable. But when Earth regulates itself, which means that there will be mass starvation, disease, and death. From that point on, the human race will barely be able to grasp existence, and become an endangered species. The global ecosystem will rebalance itself to when the whole of the human race was the pack of uncivilized cavemen that it once was, just animals with intellect.


Anonymous Play Omaha Poker said...

Very amusing message

12:38 PM  

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