C-Cup strikes again
Goddamnit Scoots why did you have to show me this whole quiz thing anyway. Now I'm totally addicted. Here's the results to a few other of these ridiculous quizzes I've taken:
C-Cup guys! eh?! EH?! oh ho?
And I am also way more Ozzy than James Hetfield
Also, apparently my life is alot more like The Notebook than Legally Blonde
I'm not pregnant either.. thank god
And lastly, somehow I am exactly 50% Saint and 50% The Devil
C-Cup guys! eh?! EH?! oh ho?
You scored as C cup. No problem there
What size boobs are you supposed to have? created with QuizFarm.com |
And I am also way more Ozzy than James Hetfield
You scored as Ozzy Osbourne!. You are OZZY OSBOURNE! Your the 'Prince of fuckin Darkness' man...You and 3 friends created this tiny thing called HEAVY METAL...you are realy funny but produce realy fuckin ugly kids!
What Bad Ass Rock Legend Are you? *with pictures* created with QuizFarm.com |
Also, apparently my life is alot more like The Notebook than Legally Blonde
You scored as The Notebook. You have strong, passionate love like the notebook!
What Chick Flick is just like Your Life? created with QuizFarm.com |
I'm not pregnant either.. thank god
You scored as no, probably not pregnant.
Am I pregnant? (this is a 95% accurate quiz) created with QuizFarm.com |
And lastly, somehow I am exactly 50% Saint and 50% The Devil
You scored as Saint. You are a saint, you help every one, and never think about yourself... how do you do it?
How evil are you? created with QuizFarm.com |
AHAHAHAHAHAHA I GOT YOU!!! LMAO oh man, Ich leibe es, "Goddamnit Scoots why did you have to show me this whole quiz thing anyway. Now I'm totally addicted." oh man tears came rolling outta the eyes.
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