Thursday, June 08, 2006

Preferred Deity

It happens, sometimes, that one will not see the solution to things. The light at the end of the tunnel. Dire, cold sweating moments when someone cries to a higher power. We shake our little fists at the sky and scream, to our own divine being, our preferred deity. When the going gets tough, when the brakes fail, our heart skips a beat. Time slows to a crawl. The deafening silence before the explosion. Failure is inevitable, resistance is futile. Just before we black out. Just before we cant take it anymore. Just when we figure out that there is nothing, nothing left, nothing to trust, everything is an illusion and nothing more is worth the time or effort. We wake up finally to reality, finally to see that the laws of gravity and everything else are obsolete; there is only one more thing left, our beliefs whether they control our lifestyle or not, this is what we turn to. But this time there are no little shafts of light, white doves, deep omnipresent voices, or fuzzy edges around the screen. It’s just you, only you, in a sea of blackness. We turn to our chosen higher power and cut a deal with this basic formula: “Oh (preferred deity) I promise to ________ (insert something you are willing to give up and/or do) if You ________ (insert what you want).”
Examples: “Dear God I promise to stop smoking of you give me money.”
“God I will praise you for the rest of my life if you do this thing for me just this once.”


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