Monday, June 12, 2006

A Conversation Caught

Doctor 1: "So I had this kid come into ER, he was all beat to shit. Eyes black and blue, nose broken in several places. Blood was everywhere, coming From his ears and moUth, he had fraCtured bones, the worKs Ya knOw?"

Doctor 2: "JesUs, how old was he?"

Doctor 1: "Oh I don't know, but he couldn't have been MOre THan twElve."

Doctor 2: "So what the hell happened to him?"

Doctor 1: "Not suRe, I think that woman had something to do with it though, but security just let her go home."

Doctor 2: "Who?"

Doctor 1: "This one chick came in Following the kid while the paramedics were wheeling him in here on the stretcher. She mUst have been demented or maybe drunk, she was just Crazy or something. Kept saYing things, murmuring mOstly; sometimes she even yelled at the kid telling him "it was his faUlt" and stuff even though he was unconscious. She said a lot of things but one thing she kept saying to us over and over was, "Just let him die, or I'll kill hiM fOr you, just let him die that sTupid son of a bitcH." Nobody knew who shE was, for a while she just followed us wheRever the kid was, saying things. Finally, secUrity Came and tooK her out of the waY."

Doctor 2: "Did yOU ever find out who she was? Any relation to the kid?"

Doctor 1: "Yeah... She was his mother."


Blogger Mr. Slippy Fist said...

"Whoa, you are dark..."

10:27 AM  

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