Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Note to The Ghost

A recent post has been put up on The Ghosts blog: Travel Like Tyler

I genuinely appreciate being acknowleged and credited as the co-founder of this theory. Thanks to The Ghost we finally have yet another one of our ideas written down.

I have a few things to ad:

1) One thing that the reader should know is that due to lack of true expertise of both The Ghost and I, this theory is strictly the juvenile observations of our rantings upon things of such nature (time travel, spirituality, etc.) and is not to be understood as "professional" in any way. Although much of our thought and consideration has been dedicated to such topics, our views are very limited due to inadequate education and are surely quite ludicrous but were mainly for the use of our own entertainment.

2) In The Ghost's post, he actually explains two of our ideas:

First Theory ) Time travel might be possible if one could shed the "physical" shell and be able to control the "spiritual" self so to travel through time.

Second Theory) The idea that every human has a "physical self" and a "spiritual self." The reality that you know, the eyes that you see through, and the body that you control are the eyes and body of this physical self. The Ghost and I found that the book/movie Fight Club give a good example as to how the finding of the "spiritual self" works. In Fight Club the main character and narrator--who we call Jack--only knows the 10% of his brain just like everyone else, and thus only knows his physical self. As the story progresses Jack meets Tyler. Tyler is a character that seems all-knowing and is in every way the person that Jack is not. It later becomes apparent that Tyler is no real person at all but just the psychotic delusion of Jack's mind. The Ghost and I believe that Jack's Tyler is not a delusion at all but the evidence of Jack's "spiritual self," an alter-ego of sorts. The seeming all-powerful Tyler dwells inside all of us, it just takes something like an apparent dramatic episode of mental illness such as what Jack had suffered from to release this 90% of brain power that sits dormant with anyone not "enlightened" so to speak. At first Jack did not understand what was going on and could not control Tyler, he didn't even know that they were the same person until Jack "defeated" Tyler as The Ghost mentions.
So in short:
Jack = Physical self.
Tyler = Spiritual self.
Enlightened = someone who has discovered the 90% and has utilized their Tyler. It's not psychosis, its enlightenment.

3) According to The Ghost, "a wormhole will propel one back in time because we believe it moves you faster than the speed of light." I think this could be true but alternately I suggest that black holes are powerful enough to break down everything, particles, light, time, everything. Thus hoping that our spiritual self could survive being jumbled in this cosmic blender because there is nothing physical to break down and destroy, and hoping to be spit out intact, but different somehow in regards to time, space, whatever. It's a long shot I know but its possible I suppose. Since our Jacks are not allowed into the black holes because it would not survive. We are suggesting that if the physical/spiritual barrier were broken, we could use our spiritual self while the physical self lies dormant, instead of the other way around like we all are used to.

4) This is all assuming that one's spiritual self can travel through the physical world as we know it. Without being able to do that there are two possible outcomes that come to mind: 1) The Tyler would not be able to go through wormholes, and would not be able to travel through time. 2) Our Tyler might not need to travel through wormholes at all but could travel freely through space and time as we know it because the spiritual self is not bound to such things.