Thursday, May 18, 2006

Random Something for this Week

My latest pasttime... finding pictures of Bill Gates making an ass of himself.

More to come...

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Like A DQ Blizzard

Yeah well... just to let you guys know.. I pretty much hate all hip-hop but MC CHRIS!!! holy flaming fire balls on fire.. hell fuckin yes yall Fette's Vette bitches.. those of you familiar with Aqua Teens might already know of Chris but, shit yeah MC Chris seriously is awsome all over your face.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Another Random Something (FROM THA TURNBUCKLE!)

I'm gonna name my children after random profesional wrestling moves.. I can just see it now.. "Hey Shining Wizard go to your room!.. you too Eye Rake! NO MORE COOKIES TESTICULAR CLAW! and what did i tell you about writing on the walls Spinning Sit-Out Double Underhook Facebuster?!?.. Running One-Shoulder Crucifix Powerbomb? tell Elevated Back-To-Back Hammerlock to hurry up in the bathroom! Dont give me that attitude Reverse Naked Choke Hold!"

Random Something for this Week

Who wants some human flesh? *raises hand* I do but the problem seems to be that its such a bitch to get a hold of some. I would like to participate in a cannibalistic dinner, but getting around all the legal stuff is the problem cuz i dont really feel like killing someone for thier flesh. Sure theres Hufu but I'm sure thats just not the same a real human flesh. I could go all Armin Meiwes on someone (besides the whole penis thing i dont think i would do that either) but it still probably isnt very legal and it still involves killing someone. I just want some human, but i dont want to get busted for it.