Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Her eyes, lined black as The Reaper's cloak, peered at me from under dark locks of hair. She caught me staring unblinkingly, with my mouth slightly slacked. I could not release my trance-like gaze for she had me hypnotized. A fallen angel so dark and lethal certainly a death-like life lingered for anyone held in those arms. Not a sane man could refrain from stumbling over words or themselves while crossing paths with her, we all imagined being with her to any degree. She caused traffic accidents, but the wide-eyed gawks and glances she received certainly were not accidental. A relationship with her seemed like what it would be like bound firmly in a pair of fur-lined handcuffs only to be beaten, starved, and raped, then left to the dogs on a roadside still naked and bound. We would all love every minute of it. Surrounded by destruction she knew she could have anyone but God wrapped around her little finger, I could see it in her eyes, her lips, her arms.
Random Something for this Week
[Taken from the Anarchist Cookbook IV, ver. 4.14]
Nicotine by the Jolly Roger
Nicotine is an abundant poison. Easily found in tobacco
products, in concentrated form a few drops can quickly kill
someone. Here is how to concentrate it:
First get a can of chewing tobacco or pipe tobacco. Remove
the contents and soak in water overnight in a jar (about 2/3 cup
of water will do...). In the morning, strain into another jar the
mixture through a porous towel. Then wrap the towel around the
ball of tobacco and squeeze it until all of the liquid is in the
jar. Throw away the tobacco--you will not need it anymore.
Now you have two options. I recommend the first. It makes the
nicotine more potent.
1) Allow to evaporate until a sticky syrup results in the
jar. This is almost pure nicotine (hell, it is pure enough for
2) Heat over low flame until water is evaporated and a thick
sticky syrup results (I don't know how long it takes... shouldn't
take too long, though.).
Now all you have to do, when you wish to use it, is to put
a few drops in a medicine dropper or equivalent, and slip about 4
or 5 drops into the victim's coffee. Coffee is recommended since it
will disguise the taste. Since nicotine is a drug, the victim
should get quite a buzz before they turn their toes up to the
daisies, so to speak.
Note: If the syrup is too sticky, dilute it with a few drops
of water. And while you are at it, better add an extra drop to the
coffee just to be sure!
-= Exodus =-
Nicotine by the Jolly Roger
Nicotine is an abundant poison. Easily found in tobacco
products, in concentrated form a few drops can quickly kill
someone. Here is how to concentrate it:
First get a can of chewing tobacco or pipe tobacco. Remove
the contents and soak in water overnight in a jar (about 2/3 cup
of water will do...). In the morning, strain into another jar the
mixture through a porous towel. Then wrap the towel around the
ball of tobacco and squeeze it until all of the liquid is in the
jar. Throw away the tobacco--you will not need it anymore.
Now you have two options. I recommend the first. It makes the
nicotine more potent.
1) Allow to evaporate until a sticky syrup results in the
jar. This is almost pure nicotine (hell, it is pure enough for
2) Heat over low flame until water is evaporated and a thick
sticky syrup results (I don't know how long it takes... shouldn't
take too long, though.).
Now all you have to do, when you wish to use it, is to put
a few drops in a medicine dropper or equivalent, and slip about 4
or 5 drops into the victim's coffee. Coffee is recommended since it
will disguise the taste. Since nicotine is a drug, the victim
should get quite a buzz before they turn their toes up to the
daisies, so to speak.
Note: If the syrup is too sticky, dilute it with a few drops
of water. And while you are at it, better add an extra drop to the
coffee just to be sure!
-= Exodus =-
Monday, June 12, 2006
A Conversation Caught
Doctor 1: "So I had this kid come into ER, he was all beat to shit. Eyes black and blue, nose broken in several places. Blood was everywhere, coming From his ears and moUth, he had fraCtured bones, the worKs Ya knOw?"
Doctor 2: "JesUs, how old was he?"
Doctor 1: "Oh I don't know, but he couldn't have been MOre THan twElve."
Doctor 2: "So what the hell happened to him?"
Doctor 1: "Not suRe, I think that woman had something to do with it though, but security just let her go home."
Doctor 2: "Who?"
Doctor 1: "This one chick came in Following the kid while the paramedics were wheeling him in here on the stretcher. She mUst have been demented or maybe drunk, she was just Crazy or something. Kept saYing things, murmuring mOstly; sometimes she even yelled at the kid telling him "it was his faUlt" and stuff even though he was unconscious. She said a lot of things but one thing she kept saying to us over and over was, "Just let him die, or I'll kill hiM fOr you, just let him die that sTupid son of a bitcH." Nobody knew who shE was, for a while she just followed us wheRever the kid was, saying things. Finally, secUrity Came and tooK her out of the waY."
Doctor 2: "Did yOU ever find out who she was? Any relation to the kid?"
Doctor 1: "Yeah... She was his mother."
Doctor 2: "JesUs, how old was he?"
Doctor 1: "Oh I don't know, but he couldn't have been MOre THan twElve."
Doctor 2: "So what the hell happened to him?"
Doctor 1: "Not suRe, I think that woman had something to do with it though, but security just let her go home."
Doctor 2: "Who?"
Doctor 1: "This one chick came in Following the kid while the paramedics were wheeling him in here on the stretcher. She mUst have been demented or maybe drunk, she was just Crazy or something. Kept saYing things, murmuring mOstly; sometimes she even yelled at the kid telling him "it was his faUlt" and stuff even though he was unconscious. She said a lot of things but one thing she kept saying to us over and over was, "Just let him die, or I'll kill hiM fOr you, just let him die that sTupid son of a bitcH." Nobody knew who shE was, for a while she just followed us wheRever the kid was, saying things. Finally, secUrity Came and tooK her out of the waY."
Doctor 2: "Did yOU ever find out who she was? Any relation to the kid?"
Doctor 1: "Yeah... She was his mother."
Friday, June 09, 2006
C-Cup strikes again
Goddamnit Scoots why did you have to show me this whole quiz thing anyway. Now I'm totally addicted. Here's the results to a few other of these ridiculous quizzes I've taken:
C-Cup guys! eh?! EH?! oh ho?
And I am also way more Ozzy than James Hetfield
Also, apparently my life is alot more like The Notebook than Legally Blonde
I'm not pregnant either.. thank god
And lastly, somehow I am exactly 50% Saint and 50% The Devil
C-Cup guys! eh?! EH?! oh ho?
You scored as C cup. No problem there
What size boobs are you supposed to have? created with QuizFarm.com |
And I am also way more Ozzy than James Hetfield
You scored as Ozzy Osbourne!. You are OZZY OSBOURNE! Your the 'Prince of fuckin Darkness' man...You and 3 friends created this tiny thing called HEAVY METAL...you are realy funny but produce realy fuckin ugly kids!
What Bad Ass Rock Legend Are you? *with pictures* created with QuizFarm.com |
Also, apparently my life is alot more like The Notebook than Legally Blonde
You scored as The Notebook. You have strong, passionate love like the notebook!
What Chick Flick is just like Your Life? created with QuizFarm.com |
I'm not pregnant either.. thank god
You scored as no, probably not pregnant.
Am I pregnant? (this is a 95% accurate quiz) created with QuizFarm.com |
And lastly, somehow I am exactly 50% Saint and 50% The Devil
You scored as Saint. You are a saint, you help every one, and never think about yourself... how do you do it?
How evil are you? created with QuizFarm.com |
Wario Bros BIATCH
yeah so thanks to my good ol' friend Scoots from over at Fandangled letting us know about this quiz.. this proves that my alter ego is Wario.. i knew it all along.. well 70% Wario and 60% Peach which makes a whole lot of sence.. hooray i am "badass!"
You scored as Wario. You are Wario! You are badass!
Which mario character are you? created with QuizFarm.com |
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Preferred Deity
It happens, sometimes, that one will not see the solution to things. The light at the end of the tunnel. Dire, cold sweating moments when someone cries to a higher power. We shake our little fists at the sky and scream, to our own divine being, our preferred deity. When the going gets tough, when the brakes fail, our heart skips a beat. Time slows to a crawl. The deafening silence before the explosion. Failure is inevitable, resistance is futile. Just before we black out. Just before we cant take it anymore. Just when we figure out that there is nothing, nothing left, nothing to trust, everything is an illusion and nothing more is worth the time or effort. We wake up finally to reality, finally to see that the laws of gravity and everything else are obsolete; there is only one more thing left, our beliefs whether they control our lifestyle or not, this is what we turn to. But this time there are no little shafts of light, white doves, deep omnipresent voices, or fuzzy edges around the screen. It’s just you, only you, in a sea of blackness. We turn to our chosen higher power and cut a deal with this basic formula: “Oh (preferred deity) I promise to ________ (insert something you are willing to give up and/or do) if You ________ (insert what you want).”
Examples: “Dear God I promise to stop smoking of you give me money.”
“God I will praise you for the rest of my life if you do this thing for me just this once.”
Examples: “Dear God I promise to stop smoking of you give me money.”
“God I will praise you for the rest of my life if you do this thing for me just this once.”
“Begin vast starvation… End world peace… break yourself…” Rang through the heads of every pedestrian slipping past the other “STDs are the answer to the disease of the human race; it is the new bio-chemical warfare” Pounded never-endingly by the barrage of the signs flickering while passing through each invisible ray of sonic commandments “Thinking is for the ones of authority alone… Domestication is the new Revolution” the every rule thundered and flashed endlessly and was punishable by death for anyone who dared to think, “Obedience is the new Disobedience… Life without medication would not be life at all…” One of the zombies stops, jolted from hypnosis, and is immediately detected by the Telekinesis and Security tower, the somnambulist is promptly terminated… “…Sight is only an illusion…”
Cigarettes and Bubblegum
The aroma of cigarettes and bubble gum follows her in as she snatches the eyes of everyone in the place. Like a black cat, vicious and ready to pounce, she’s got “fuck you” written all over her, and breathes it with every word. She’ll bite your neck off then and there if you even think about pissing her off. Scowling around a quick look for an open seat she chooses quickly and sits down.
You look so cute when you’re frustrated.
Snap back to reality. Wait did I just say something? I don’t even know you, my God, what have I started… ok good… I didn’t say anything out loud.
She’s got a certain darkness about her, like some one who has brought this cloud over me, though I have never seen her before. She is far from graceful in the “swan-like” respect of the word, but something makes up for it, she is graceful in her own way, something I’ve never seen before. She looks so deadly, like she could find a way to hate you if she only knew who you were for five seconds.
Her eyes, so piercing, so harsh she could suck the soul right our of you with her stare, but also somehow transforming when she wants, soft, friendly, and welcoming even if in a dark angel sort of way. After staring off into somewhere, I see, while watching her through my peripheral vision she slowly snaps me into her sights. While she’s saying something I freeze for a second, wait, she’s talking… in my direction, fuck man, do something. Whiplash back to reality, crashing-to-earth-like.
I say, “What?” Brilliant. She replies, restating something that is of no immediate relevance or concern of mine so I listen to her, even though I am only listening to her voice, watching her mouth. I give her some bullshit, simple foolproof reply, and go back to floating in my daydreaming as I feel the terrific glory of her icy gaze sweeping away from my scrawny frame.
By this point, I wanted to do something; I wanted to do so many things at once. I wanted to jump up and ask her a million questions. I wanted to scream at her to stay the hell away from me. I wanted to creep closer and closer toward the open fire and feel it searing the flesh off my bones. I wanted to feel acid coursing through my thin veins. I wanted to drink in, pour over me, and bathe in every poison left on the earth. I wanted to drive off a cliff just to have her peel me from the wreckage. And then I woke up.
You look so cute when you’re frustrated.
Snap back to reality. Wait did I just say something? I don’t even know you, my God, what have I started… ok good… I didn’t say anything out loud.
She’s got a certain darkness about her, like some one who has brought this cloud over me, though I have never seen her before. She is far from graceful in the “swan-like” respect of the word, but something makes up for it, she is graceful in her own way, something I’ve never seen before. She looks so deadly, like she could find a way to hate you if she only knew who you were for five seconds.
Her eyes, so piercing, so harsh she could suck the soul right our of you with her stare, but also somehow transforming when she wants, soft, friendly, and welcoming even if in a dark angel sort of way. After staring off into somewhere, I see, while watching her through my peripheral vision she slowly snaps me into her sights. While she’s saying something I freeze for a second, wait, she’s talking… in my direction, fuck man, do something. Whiplash back to reality, crashing-to-earth-like.
I say, “What?” Brilliant. She replies, restating something that is of no immediate relevance or concern of mine so I listen to her, even though I am only listening to her voice, watching her mouth. I give her some bullshit, simple foolproof reply, and go back to floating in my daydreaming as I feel the terrific glory of her icy gaze sweeping away from my scrawny frame.
By this point, I wanted to do something; I wanted to do so many things at once. I wanted to jump up and ask her a million questions. I wanted to scream at her to stay the hell away from me. I wanted to creep closer and closer toward the open fire and feel it searing the flesh off my bones. I wanted to feel acid coursing through my thin veins. I wanted to drink in, pour over me, and bathe in every poison left on the earth. I wanted to drive off a cliff just to have her peel me from the wreckage. And then I woke up.
Please please please, she said. I had imagined before that with hot pavement of a parking lot pressed to one ear, and the colder barrel of a gun pressed to the other, that anyone would turn out to be the most polite bastard you’ll ever meet. But she seemed different, I thought if I pushed any harder, the tears would start spurting from her eyes. Either she actually had something to live for, or she was really good at convincing me of it. Even having been convinced of her innocence or will to live, or both, I still find it hard not to pull a trigger. But I never did anything, I never did anything, she said in the broken staccato through her sobs. It was a good thing too, for her own good, I would have done more than leave the little crater surrounded by the little lake and rivers flowing from it I drew the chalk outline myself… I’ve always wanted to do that…
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Random Something for this Week
Check it out.. I took a "What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You?" quiz thing and look at the result.. never woulda guessed..

What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You?

What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You?
cRap Anyone?
Yeah so when I said I pretty much hate all hip-hop/rap/whatever-the-hell-you-wanna-call-it... yeah, I do but here is a list of hip-hop and/or hip-hop-esque people that are sortof acceptable (in no particular order)
-Beastie Boys
-mc chris
-The Streets
Any other suggestions for a rap hater? let me know
-Beastie Boys
-mc chris
-The Streets
Any other suggestions for a rap hater? let me know